Happy National Peach Month!

Happy National Peach Month!

by Abingdon Women
Happy National Peach Month!
First Corinthians Releases Today!

First Corinthians Releases Today!

by Abingdon Women
Do you ever find it difficult to feel love when you disagree with others? Do you ever feel pressured to compromise your beliefs just to make peace?
Cruise with Melissa Spoelstra in Summer 2017

Cruise with Melissa Spoelstra in Summer 2017

by Abingdon Women
Making Vacation Plans for Next Summer? Join author and Bible teacher Melissa Spoelstra and her family on The Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas June 25-July 2nd, 2017
Thursday Inspiration

Thursday Inspiration

by Abingdon Women
God's creations are indeed good. Thanks to Babbie Mason for the reminder. Share this image with a friend who needs to know that they are embraced by God today and always.
Thursday Inspirations

Thursday Inspirations

by Abingdon Women
Here's a sharable image from author Lucinda Secrest McDowell who has a lovely new book called Dwelling Places: Words to Live in Every Season that offers inspirational readings that we'd highly recommend. We pray mercies upon all of you today!
Thursday Inspirational

Thursday Inspirational

Here's an image for you to share with your friends to encourage them in their walk today. We pray that it inspires you too!
Feeling Holy?

Feeling Holy?

by Melissa Spoelstra
Holy means “set apart.” It is a word used of God’s character. He is not like us, special, perfect. Yet the crazy thing is that God calls those who choose to follow Him – holy. In Paul’s greeting to the church at Corinth we find these words which very much apply to us,
Dear Other Woman: A Message for the Woman in the Mirror

Dear Other Woman: A Message for the Woman in the Mirror

by Barbara Roose
Remember when we used to love hanging out with each other? Hmm, how old were we back then – two or three years old? How cute were we! Ahh, in those early years we couldn’t get enough of each other. We snuggle up close and do kissy-lips with at each other. We’d play endless games of hide-n-seek. By the way, you’re horrible at that game! Whenever it was my turn to count, I’d peek while counting and you never moved. What’s up with that?
Barbie’s got a booty now…but will it make a difference?

Barbie’s got a booty now…but will it make a difference?

by Barbara Roose
Barbie’s back with a new look and style. But will it make a difference?


by Jessica LaGrone
I need you to hear something.
Run for your Life

Run for your Life

by Melissa Spoelstra
Running is usually a mark of a coward, but sometimes God calls us to flee. When Potiphar’s wife tempted Joseph daily by inviting him to sleep with her, he learned to stay out of her way. Then when she cornered him in the house and insisted she get her way, he ran! The Apostle Paul wrote, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22). God also might call us to flee a toxic relationship, a compromising job, or a spiritually abusive relationship or group. While we can’t run away from every problem, there is a time when God says the best thing to do is get out of Dodge.
Abingdon Women Cruise 2016!

Abingdon Women Cruise 2016!

by Guest Post
Warm up in the Caribbean on a luxury Celebrity Cruise. Enjoy the beautiful beaches of Cozumel, Mexico and Key West, Florida. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship and spiritual renewal with Christian women from around the country.

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