The Finding Purpose 5-Day Bible study sampler brings together five days of study from Abingdon Women Bible study authors Marian Jordan Ellis, Heather M. Dixon, Julie Lyles Carr, Melissa Spoelstra, and Tiffany Bluhm. We hope this short study sampler will inspire you to find your purpose during the days you spend with it, and beyond.
Enriching and relevant Bible studies for women who want to know and live God's Word.
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The apostle Peter’s passion and imperfections make him one of the Bible’s most loved and relatable people. Even when Peter gave up, gave in, and gave out, Jesus was there for him. Join Lisa Toney as she follows Peter through his time with Jesus, from the beginning of Jesus’s ministry to the Resurrection and through Pentecost, where Peter begins to live into his call. Along the way, discover the raw honesty of a man who veered from staunch devotion to moments of doubt, mirroring our own human struggles.
In the six-week Bible study Perfectly Flawed, we see that there is an unparalleled power Jesus gives that can only be found in our weakness. We discover the strength of Jesus that is available to each of us. Learn to persevere in your faith, live confidently, and boldly step into God’s purpose for you. See how Peter’s story is an invitation to embrace imperfection, find strength in the relentless grace of God, and discover how each one of us is perfectly flawed but still deeply loved by God.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining the study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer.
Other components for the Bible study include a Leader Guide and teaching video available on DVD.Lisa Toney loves to speak and write about ways to build easy, intentional, and powerful faith habits to live for Jesus. As a professor of spiritual formation at Hope International University, diving into “why this is helpful for one’s life” is right up her alley. For over twenty years as a full-time pastor, she’s listened, learned, taught, and served side-by-side with the church. Her company, Faith Habits, provides classes, coaching, and media to encourage engagement with God. She has a degree in communications from Taylor University and an M.Div from Fuller Theological Seminary. Lisa speaks at events nationwide such as Women of Faith and the Aspire Women’s Events. She is the author of Thrive: Live Like You Matter, The Scripture Challenge, and the Wholehearted Devotion series. She is also the author of Perfectly Flawed: God Transforms Our Weaknesses into Strengths.
Lisa lives in Southern California with her husband, four kids, puppy, gecko, and five chickens. She loves to take groups to the Bible lands (Israel, Greece, Italy, Turkey, and other destinations) with and walk where the unstoppable, incomparable, life-changing movement of Jesus began.
See Lisa on her YouTube Channel.
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Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect.
Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.
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Books that offer inspiration and wisdom for living as a woman of faith.
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Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.
Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect.
Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The Participant Workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the Leader Guide and DVD.', 'alternative_name' => 'Participant Workbook', 'subtitle' => 'Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes', 'parent_isbn' => array ( '66698466b8995ecabaede1a4' => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '66698466b8995ecabaede1a4', )), )), 'isbn' => '9781791033460', 'status' => 'Active', 'binding' => 'Book - Paperback', 'author' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'Jennifer Cowart', '_id' => '5bec80cad69403365e4d8443', ), ), 'pac_index' => 110, 'series_primary' => 'No', 'title_category' => array ( 0 => array ( '_id' => '66698466020915e227505e95', '_display' => 'More Messy People', ), ), 'publication_date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1722488400, 'usec' => 0, )), 'base_price' => '17.99', 'study' => 'Yes', 'akamai_image_path' => '460/9781791033460.jpg', 'virtual_url' => '9781791033460', 'sale_price' => '13.49', 'description' => 'God can use imperfect people to do incredible things.
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Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.', 'alternative_name' => 'Participant Workbook', 'subtitle' => 'Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes', 'parent_isbn' => array ( ), 'book' => 'No', 'title' => 'More Messy People Women\'s Bible Study Participant Workbook', 'image' => array ( '8857030839bf5' => array ( 'index' => 0, 'caption' => '', 'type' => 'image', 'url' => '/media/image/9781791033460.jpg', 'link' => '', ), ), 'retailers' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'Amazon', '_id' => '57bc51474c5b61ac7de4f8ea', ), 1 => array ( '_display' => 'Barnes & Noble', '_id' => '57bdf1d34c5b61fb493ba4cb', ), 2 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '5ed1233f1280b12c756e5c19', ), 3 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '57bdf2c24c5b61ee493ba4cd', ), 4 => array ( '_display' => 'Cokesbury', '_id' => '57bdf31c4c5b61ea493ba4cc', ), 5 => array ( '_display' => 'Get It Local. 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In this forty-day devotional journey, women will learn how to surrender like Jesus and experience God’s power and peace in their life as never before! Inspired by Jesus’s forty days in the wilderness, the devotions are divided into four sections:
1. Letting Go of Circumstances
2. Letting Go of Others
3. Letting Go of Expectations
4. Living Like Jesus
Each devotion features a Scripture, a big idea, a biblical or personal story, a letting go principle, and personal reflection and application questions. Women can practice letting go as they draw closer to Jesus than ever before.
Features forty devotions inspired by Jesus\'s forty days in the wilderness.
Devotions give readers inspiration to find peace in their own lives.
Excellent stand-alone resource or companion to the Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus Bible study.
Includes Scripture, stories, letting go principles, application questions, and more.
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