The Finding Purpose 5-Day Bible study sampler brings together five days of study from Abingdon Women Bible study authors Marian Jordan Ellis, Heather M. Dixon, Julie Lyles Carr, Melissa Spoelstra, and Tiffany Bluhm. We hope this short study sampler will inspire you to find your purpose during the days you spend with it, and beyond.
Enriching and relevant Bible studies for women who want to know and live God's Word.
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Barb Roose guides the reader through a meaningful encounter with the Psalms through the season of Lent. Combining an interpretation of the psalms with real life stories, the study moves through the familiar words of Psalm 23 toward the painful cries of Psalm 22 uttered by Jesus on the cross. The study includes reflections on the life of King David and the original context of the writings, along with connections between the psalms and the life and death of Jesus the Messiah.
“The Psalms provide a perfect framework for experiencing Lent through the verses that were Jesus’s own scriptures, offering both him and us strength and wisdom in a painful and redemptive season. The Book of Psalms hums with the heartbeat of our humanity with divinely inspired words that find purchase in the tenderest places in our hearts when our human words or wisdom fails us.” Barb Roose
Additional components to use the book as a six-week study include a leader guide and DVD/Video Sessions featuring Barb Roose.Endorsements
When I am in those hard places, those needy places, those places where I need to see God’s tenderness, I always turn to the Psalms. Barb Roose has written an insightful and personal guide in Finding Jesus in the Psalms that shows how we can find a very New Testament Jesus throughout this Old Testament book in a way that our human, aching hearts so desperately need. I will be coming back again and again to this beautiful guide. —Kathi Lipp, best-selling author, and podcasterFinding Jesus in the Psalms is a beautiful celebration of God\'s poetry and his gift to us, his Son, Jesus. Barb Roose has captured the essence of the Poet\'s message and provided deep insight into the path of Jesus that was blazed right through the middle of it all. This book will bless you by bringing you closer to the Lord, whether during the Lenten season or at any time of the year. —Kathleen Y\'Barbo, Publishers Weekly best-selling author of The Black Midnight
Barb Roose helps us to see Jesus in the Psalms through this book. Most of the time, we only look for Jesus in the New Testament, but she shows us how Jesus was always present and God is always pointing us to Him. —Cindy Casey, Next Steps Director, CedarCreek Church
Access Abingdon Bible study video sessions, inspirational short videos, and children’s content available anywhere from any device from Amplify Media.Start your free trial at
Amplify Media is a streaming service allowing churches large and small unlimited video access in order to discover, customize, and share diverse resources that encourage deeper discipleship and equip churches to pursue their mission with greater impact.
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Visit the speaking page on her website for a full list of upcoming dates, as well as contact information to book her for your event.
A sampling of forthcoming speaking appearances include*:
September 23, 2017 – Women’s Spiritual Retreat – Delaware Christian Church, Delaware, Ohio
September 27-29, 2017 – Church of the Resurrection UMC, Leawood, Kansas
September 29, 2017 – ASPIRE EVENT – Tempe, Arizona
September 30, 2017 ASPIRE EVENT – Tucson, Arizona
October 8, 2017 – ASPIRE EVENT – Grace Polaris, Westerville, Ohio
October 14, 2017 – Women’s Retreat, Hamilton, Missouri
November 2, 2017 – Mom2Mom Event – Hilliard, Ohio
November 4, 2017 – Amazing Grace Christian Church, Grove City, OH, Women’s Retreat
November 10, 2017 – ASPIRE EVENT – RiverGlen Christian Church, Waukesha, WI
November 18, 2017 – ASPIRE EVENT – Eastern Hills Baptist Church, Albuquerque, NM
December 8, 2017 – Marysville Grace Brethren Christmas Dessert Speaker, Marysville, OH
Feb. 22-23, 2018 – Breakaway 2018 Retreat, Lake Lanier, GA.
March 15-18, 2018 – ASPIRE Cruise
April 13-14, 2018 – Waxahachie Bible Church Retreat, Waxahachie, TX
April 20-21, 2018 – Living Hope Women’s Retreat, Marysville, OH,
April 30 -May 1, 2018 – Word of Life Retreat, Schroon Lake, NY
*All events subject to change
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She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Bible Theology and enjoys teaching God’s Word to diverse groups and churches within the body of Christ. She is a contributor to Girlfriends in God online devotional as well as Proverbs 31 ministries First Five app. She is the author of eight Bible studies (Acts, The Names of God, Romans, Elijah, Numbers, First Corinthians, Joseph, and Jeremiah) and four books (Total Family Makeover, Total Christmas Makeover, 30 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Stamina, and Dare to Hope). Melissa makes her home in Waxahachie, Texas, with her pastor husband and four kids.', 'image_pac' => array ( '4621ab4b6ab35' => array ( 'link' => '', 'original' => '/images/authors/4062-Melissa_Spoelstra.jpg', 'coords' => '', 'path' => '', 'size' => '', 'filesize' => 1379600, 'index' => 0, 'caption' => '', 'url' => '/images/authors/4062-Melissa_Spoelstra.jpg', 'type' => 'nocrop', ), ), ), ), 'description' => 'Learn to awaken to God’s Spirit today and every day by studying the Book of Acts with Melissa Spoelstra.
Whether it’s because of distractions, busyness, or a case of the blahs, we can experience a drift toward indifference in our spiritual lives. We have a need for an ongoing spiritual awakening if we want to become more aware of God’s presence and activity in our everyday lives.
In Acts: Awakening to God in Everyday Life, a six-week study of the Book of Acts by Melissa Spoelstra, you will journey with the first followers of Jesus and witness the birth and growth of the early church through spiritual awakening to the power of God’s Spirit, message, freedom, grace, mission, and direction.
From their experiences you will learn postures that will help you attune your own spiritual heart to experience God’s presence, hear God’s voice, and see God at work all around.
This study offers a fresh encounter with God to prepare you to:
- Face daily battles
- Be able to discern the messages of our culture
- Be ready to share God’s love with others always
Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 20 to 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).
Access Abingdon Women and other Bible study video sessions, inspirational short videos, and children’s content available anywhere from any device from Amplify Media. Church or individual subscriptions for group leaders and members are available.
Start your free trial at
Amplify Media is a streaming service allowing churches large and small unlimited video access in order to discover, customize, and share diverse resources that encourage deeper discipleship and equip churches to pursue their mission with greater impact.
Learn more at
Praise for Acts
If you desire to awaken to a fresh encounter of God’s power and presence in your life, this study is perfect for you! Melissa is a seasoned Bible teacher who knows how to guide you through complicated passages of scripture and challenge you to a deeper relationship with Christ. She’s one of my favorite Bible teachers and I highly recommend this study.
—Barb Roose, speaker and author of Surrendered: Letting Go of Living Like Jesus and Breakthrough: Finding Freedom in Christ
Have you ever wondered, “Is there more to following God than just going through the motions?” The answer is YES! Melissa Spoelstra is a passionate guide, opening our hearts to the wonder and the power of God’s Word. Discover how God’s work among the early Christians is the same work He desires to do among us today! You’ll put down this guide encouraged, enlightened, and eager for God-at-work within you too!
—Tricia Goyer, bestselling author Walk It Out: The Radical Result of Living God’s Word One Step at a Time
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Books that offer inspiration and wisdom for living as a woman of faith.
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Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect.
Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.
Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect.
Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.', 'alternative_name' => 'Participant Workbook', 'subtitle' => 'Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes', 'parent_isbn' => array ( '66698466b8995ecabaede1a4' => array ( '_id' => MongoId::__set_state(array( 'objectID' => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId::__set_state(array( 'oid' => '66698466b8995ecabaede1a4', )), )), 'isbn' => '9781791033460', 'status' => 'Active', 'binding' => 'Book - Paperback', 'author' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'Jennifer Cowart', '_id' => '5bec80cad69403365e4d8443', ), ), 'pac_index' => 106, 'series_primary' => 'No', 'title_category' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'More Messy People', '_id' => '66698466020915e227505e95', ), ), 'publication_date' => MongoDate::__set_state(array( 'sec' => 1722488400, 'usec' => 0, )), 'base_price' => '17.99', 'study' => 'Yes', 'akamai_image_path' => '460/9781791033460.jpg', 'virtual_url' => '9781791033460', 'sale_price' => '13.49', 'description' => 'God can use imperfect people to do incredible things.
Jen Cowart continues her study of the very messy lives of biblical heroes—people who, like us, made mistakes but found God was able to use them in powerful ways. They all play a significant role in the biblical narrative, but their stories are far from perfect.
Through the lives of rival sisters like Leah and Rachel, or sisters with very different personalities like Martha and Mary, we see God chooses to use people who don’t have it all together. Through the lives of great, but imperfect, biblical heroes like Moses, Elijah, Peter, and Paul, we see God meets us in our troubles and chooses us even if we seem unqualified.
The participant workbook includes five daily readings for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer and is designed to use with the leader guide and DVD.', 'alternative_name' => 'Participant Workbook', 'subtitle' => 'Life Lessons from Imperfect Biblical Heroes', 'parent_isbn' => array ( ), 'book' => 'No', 'title' => 'More Messy People Women\'s Bible Study Participant Workbook', 'image' => array ( 'e1301689526a1' => array ( 'caption' => '', 'type' => 'image', 'link' => '', 'url' => '/media/image/9781791033460.jpg', 'index' => 0, ), ), 'retailers' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'Amazon', '_id' => '57bc51474c5b61ac7de4f8ea', ), 1 => array ( '_display' => 'Barnes & Noble', '_id' => '57bdf1d34c5b61fb493ba4cb', ), 2 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '5ed1233f1280b12c756e5c19', ), 3 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '57bdf2c24c5b61ee493ba4cd', ), 4 => array ( '_display' => 'Cokesbury', '_id' => '57bdf31c4c5b61ea493ba4cc', ), 5 => array ( '_display' => 'Get It Local. 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In this forty-day devotional journey, women will learn how to surrender like Jesus and experience God’s power and peace in their life as never before! Inspired by Jesus’s forty days in the wilderness, the devotions are divided into four sections:
1. Letting Go of Circumstances
2. Letting Go of Others
3. Letting Go of Expectations
4. Living Like Jesus
Each devotion features a Scripture, a big idea, a biblical or personal story, a letting go principle, and personal reflection and application questions. Women can practice letting go as they draw closer to Jesus than ever before.
Features forty devotions inspired by Jesus\'s forty days in the wilderness.
Devotions give readers inspiration to find peace in their own lives.
Excellent stand-alone resource or companion to the Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus Bible study.
Includes Scripture, stories, letting go principles, application questions, and more.
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