Kelly Johnson

Bible Studies & Books
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Click to the product pages for more information. Find sample chapters, videos, and downloads to assist you in your study selection.
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God has made us brave, not fearful beings. In a forty-day devotional format, author and blogger Kelly Johnson invites you to consider a new way of thinking about what it means to be brave and challenges you to seek a greater intimacy with God and the people God has placed in your life.
Through Scripture, stories, prayers, and thought-provoking questions, you will recognize the seeds of divinely inspired bravery and learn the strength found in community. Using letters of the word brave as a guide, Being Brave highlights what God’s Word has to say about the characteristics of bravery: Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Vulnerable, and Engaged and Empowered by the Spirit.
Banish the fear that holds you back. You are a brave soldier!', 'alternative_name' => '', 'subtitle' => 'A 40-Day Journey to the Life God Dreams for You', 'parent_isbn' => array ( ), 'book' => 'Yes', 'title' => 'Being Brave', 'image' => array ( 'b60aab548273a' => array ( 'link' => '', 'index' => 0, 'caption' => '', 'type' => 'image', 'url' => '/media/image/9781501848650.jpg', ), ), 'retailers' => array ( 0 => array ( '_display' => 'Amazon', '_id' => '57bc51474c5b61ac7de4f8ea', ), 1 => array ( '_display' => 'Barnes & Noble', '_id' => '57bdf1d34c5b61fb493ba4cb', ), 2 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '5ed1233f1280b12c756e5c19', ), 3 => array ( '_display' => '', '_id' => '57bdf2c24c5b61ee493ba4cd', ), 4 => array ( '_display' => 'Cokesbury', '_id' => '57bdf31c4c5b61ea493ba4cc', ), 5 => array ( '_display' => 'Get It Local. Today!', '_id' => '5ed123c1ae7c30836ef899e1', ), 6 => array ( '_display' => 'Parable', '_id' => '57bdf40c4c5b61d8493ba4cd', ), ), ), ), )
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