Ordinary Graces
Everyone loves to receive a gift. And God has given us many, such as his grace—the gift we don’t deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already... ⟶
Everyone loves to receive a gift. And God has given us many, such as his grace—the gift we don’t deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already... ⟶
Problems can make you feel like God is far away, but they can also be the very things that bring you closer to him. Anchored In isn’t a book of Christian cliché’s or sweet stories... ⟶
"A Woman Overwhelmed" is a phrase with which many women can relate. But what would happen if we could see the insanity in our pace and embrace our overwhelming God?There is a reason they say that a... ⟶
God calls us as parents to be key disciple-makers in our children’slives, but if we’re honest, some days it’s a battle just to get themdressed and ready for school on time. How can you mold... ⟶
Do you long for serenity and refuge, peace and hope? Are you seeking a deeper spiritual life through a closer relationship with God? If you're tired of dwelling in busyness and noise, then perhaps... ⟶
Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopefully shattered—perhaps once thought beyond repair. But what about us? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we... ⟶
Friendships with other women are as important to our mental, physical,and spiritual health as rest, exercise, and prayer. We don’t just wantfriends—we need friends. Yet sometimes they can be as... ⟶
Most women know that God loves them, but might he love them more if they finally lost that last ten pounds, or got their hair to lay right, or finally found a pair of jeans that looked good and let... ⟶
Barbara Mahany believes the sacred is all around, within finger’s reach—here to be gathered, culled, collected, through the simple yet complex art of paying attention, of savoring the... ⟶
Sanctuary is about some unlikely and unexpected places where Becca Stevens has encountered God—a trail in the Andes, her son’s bathtub, Dorothy Day’s Hospitality House, the Kroger parking lot. ... ⟶