Product Details

Fierce - Women
Book - Paperback ISBN: 9781501882920
Publication Date: September 2019
Learn from the fierce women of God who changed the world.

The word fierce is trendy. It is used to describe women who are extreme athletes, high-level executives, or supermodels. Women at the top of their game. But what about the rest of us? Can we be fierce? Absolutely! In fact, women like us have been changing the world for thousands of years—many who received little fanfare yet lived fiercely anyway. In this six-week study we will look at lesser-known female characters in the Bible and the ways they changed the world by living into God’s calling, including:

The midwives of Egypt (Shiphrah and Puah), who made hard decisions in the face of evil
Deborah, who was an unlikely and powerful leader
Naaman's slave girl, who bravely points others to God's healing power
The Woman at the Well, who boldly repented and shared her faith
Lois and Eunice, who parented with intentionality and effectiveness
Dorcas, who showed kindness to those in need.

As we explore their lives, we will discover how we too can live into our callings, honor the Lord, and even change the world through our courage, faithfulness, and obedience.

Bible Study Features:

A six-week study of lesser-known female characters in the Bible.
Helps women consider how they can be fierce women of God.
Workbook includes five devotional lessons for every week of study.
Each DVD segment features an opening “fierce” vignette followed by engaging Bible teaching with practical life application.

Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook and DVD.

About This Author

Jennifer Cowart

Jennifer Cowart is Executive and Teaching pastor of Harvest Church. With degrees in Christian education, counseling, and business, she has been integral to the development of the Emerging and Discipleship Ministries at Harvest. Jen is a gifted Bible teacher and speaker and the author of four women’s Bible studies, Thrive, Pursued, Fierce, and Messy People as well as several studies co-authored with her husband, Jim, including The One and Living the Five. She and Jim love doing life with their kids, Aly, Josh, and Andrew.

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