To our Bible study friends,

During this time everyone is having to make difficult decisions regarding gatherings with family, friends, groups, organizations, and church communities. Our instincts in difficult times are to reach out to others for support, to gather, to hold hands, to embrace. 

Currently, social distancing and avoiding group activities is the responsible and caring thing to do for the good of our communities, cities, states, country, and world. 

But community is still vital to our well-being, so we all should strive to accomplish social distancing without experiencing social isolation. Your Bible study group is an important source of community interaction and support. Here are some ideas and resources to continue connection with your group while keeping yourself, other group members, and your greater community safe. 

Ways to study God's Word with other believers

  • Utilize social media and technology tools.
    • Set up a private Facebook group where members can interact, post  thoughts, share concerns, or pose questions.
    • “Meet” with the group via a Facebook Live event.
    • If you have access to Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting™, or similar online meeting software, schedule virtual group meetings.
    • Access Bible study video content from any device with:
      • Amplify Media, a multimedia platform offering Bible study video content.
      • Streaming Bible study content available from
  • Have a member collect prayer requests from the group. Share the prayer requests via e-mail, text, or Facebook group. In addition to praying in your virtual group meetings, pray on your own and at scheduled times when everyone will know you are praying “together.” 
  • Reach out. We have so many tools available for reaching out to one another. Set up a group text, e-mail list, etc. and check in regularly to see how everyone is doing and if they need anything. Encourage prayer partners to keep women even more intimately connected on a regular basis.

We are craving community too.

Have an Abingdon Women Bible study author join your virtual Bible study meeting.




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