To the Cross by Joni Taylor

“Who do you say that I am?”

Jesus’ question to his disciples and to us is the same, “Who do you say that I am?” It is one of the most important questions we will ever have to answer. Peter responded: “You are the Christ.” In Tim Keller’s book King’s Cross, he writes “Chapter 8 of Mark’s Gospel is a pivotal chapter. It’s the climax of the first act, in which the disciples finally begin to see the true identity of the one they have been following. In it Jesus says two things. I am the King, but a King going to a cross, and If you want to follow me, you’ve got to come to the cross too.”

The Lord’s identity was revealed to Peter by God Himself. This was true for Peter and it is true for us as well. John 6:44 tells us “No one can come to me unless they are drawn to me by the Father who sent me, and I will raise them up at the last day.” Peter knew the right answer, but he still didn’t understand that to follow Christ was not going to be what he had thought it would be.

Unbelievable physical suffering on a Roman cross was what was ahead for Jesus. He went to the cross to pay the debt for my sin and yours. This excerpt from a song by Babbie Mason helps me remember:

To the Cross

A place inside my spirit beckons from a hill
Sometimes I choose to visit
Sometimes against my will
I take the long and sloping road
As though I hear some rooster crow
And driven by a prayer I go
To the cross

Whenever I resist it
I am not at rest
It hovers there inviting me
To be a humble guest
I need it daily this I know
So with my selfish tears in tow
And with my fighting fears I go
To the cross

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending us your son as the perfect sacrifice for all our sins. Please give me the strength today to follow you to the place I don't always want to go. At the foot of the cross is the only place where I can truly see who I am. Just a sinner saved by grace! Amen.

Joni Taylor is a retired computer geek/nurse/electrician who enjoys pottery class and serving as a deacon in her church. She credits Babbie Mason's song "To the Cross," with reminding her of how much she is loved by God.

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